
I'll dedicated this post to those who meant a lot in my life ; live or dead, in miles or thousand apart. Thank you for all the happiness we share together, for all the tears, for all the hardship we went through, for all the downs people bring us and for the soul that broken for infinities yet still standing strong. This is for us. 

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors and do new things, because of our curious and curiosity lead us to new paths"

Aku - Untuk diri aku yang masih memilih untuk terus melangkah walau setelah hama-hama ujian melekap pada jiwa, setelah terjatuh duduk tersembam kecewa, aku ucapkan terima kasih kerana masih ada. Masih utuh menjalani hari. Masih memilih untuk teruskan laluan ini. Terima kasih kerana aku sangat memahami aku, mendengar segala keluh kesah dan menguat saat dijatuhkan. Terima kasih aku yang sentiasa menemani mereka-mereka yang dihurung kesedihan, kelukaan dan kekecewaan. Aku tahu aku sangat rapuh, mudah luluh, mudah tersungkur namun Tuhan lebih yakin aku mampu tempuh. Terima kasih aku yang sentiasa menepis segala kata-kata yang merendah.  Terima kasih aku yang masih setia dengan aku yang tak meninggalkan saat semua berpaling. Aku ucapkan berbanyak terima kasih menerima aku sebaik mungkin. Aku bangga kecekalan aku membawa kepada siapa aku hari ini. Semoga aku masih adalah aku untuk  sepuluh, dua puluh, tiga puluh tahun akan datang selamanya.

"I was always at peace because of the way my mom treated me"

Mama - I don't know how much suffer you have to went through just to deliver your only child., how much tears you've spend because my terrible behavior. I know I'm your everything. I know how much you love me. How happy you're when I achieved something - you praised me for completing my homework. You always miss me. You always remind me how you much you love me. I still remember how we spend time for our late night talks. Its precious; all the moment where i can tell you everything ; betrayal from friends, how broken I am, how life hit me hard. I shared everything with you accept how much I love you. I couldn't imagine myself of losing you. How miserable my life would be if you're not around. Who would nag at me. Who would do stupid jokes just to make sure I'm happy. Who would criticize me for my flaws. Who would be there to listen my repeated stories for whole days. Who would accept me completely how am I. May Allah let you stay with me as long as possible. Mama, thanks for your concern when I'm not well, when I didn't do well in exam, when I failed twice for my driving license, when I kept causing trouble at school. Thanks for bringing me up with full attention and love and care. No one would ever get to replace you. Thank you for not being tired with me. Thank you for being my best mama, best friend, and best out of everything. I love you, Mama. 

"Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that's why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right."

Ayah - Setiap hari aku akan lihat muka ayah keletihan bekerja dari jam tujuh pagi hingga jam lapan malam. Aku lihat dia makin hilang selera makan. Kalau dulu makan bertambah, sekarang satu pinggan belum tentu boleh habis. Tulusnya hati; keletihan, kepenatan untuk sara aku dan mama. Setiap pengorbanan ayah tak mampu aku balas. Ayah, jarang sekali dapat dengar yang ayah sayang orang. Tak pernah sekali ayah kata ayah bangga dengan orang. Tak pernah sekali ayah pujuk orang. Tak pernah sekali. Tapi, itulah ayah. Orang tahu jauh dalam hati itu, ayah bangga dengan anak ayah. Ayah sayang sangat anak ayah. Ayah terlalu sayang sehingga tak mampu untuk mengungkap. Terima kasih ayah untuk segala pengorbanan ; Orang masih ingat ayah berjaga malam untuk halau nyamuk yang hinggap pada tubuh anak ayah, masih ingat juga bagaimana ayah peluk orang masa result SPM orang teruk, masih ingat ayah tak pernah lupa untuk hantar duit masa orang dekat asrama, masih ingat bagaimana ayah temankan orang masa orang nak tengok WWE, masih ingat bagaimana risaunya ayah masa orang jatuh basikal. Semuanya masih diingat dan sentiasa akan terus ingat. Terima kasih besarkan orang dalam keadaan sempurna, cukup segalanya. Orang tak mampu minta ayah yang lebih baik dari ayah. Terima kasih ayah. Dan terima kasih Tuhan, jadikan aku yang persis ayah. Moga moga aku setabah, sekuat dan setampan ayah :)

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."

Family - This is the biggest blessing I have in life. I couldn't ask more than this ;
Grandma, I know at this moment you have tons of problems. I know your heart doesn't feel at peace at the moment. But please take care of yourself. Don't get too tired. We can solve this problems together. This too shall pass. Lets take it easy. You make me worry :'( I don't want you to fall sick. I just want you to be happy during your old days. I want you to live longer so that I can bring you to my graduation day. I want to serve you more, grandma. Stay safe, stay healthy.

Maksu, its been 2 years of your wedding. I know you're being upset because Allah hasn't grand you child yet. But, please don't give up and keep trying. There's reasons behind every test. Allah might give you something bigger than this. I'll always pray the best for you and your husband. Thank you because you've been such a good sister to Mama. When I'm not around, you take care of our family well. I don't know how to thank you. If someday, Allah still wouldn't give you any child. I will take care of you like my own mom. I'll treat you on your old days. I promise to give you my love.

Mak Jula, this year is the most challenging year for you. Your husband married another girl. I know this is getting hard. I know how much you've hurt. I know how suffer you are right now. This is unacceptable. I saw how good you treat your husband ; take care of his meals, iron his cloth, make sure all of his needs be taken care but he repays you with such betrayal. I hate him, sincerely I do. I hate how he could forget how much you sacrifice for him, how much you tried protecting your family. Despite of all this hurts, you keep standing strong for the sake of your children. One day, may Allah repay him for what he'd done to you.

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love"

Danish Tan -  Aku tak tahu macam mana daripada sembang bola dekat twitter boleh jadikan kita macam sekarang. Daripada tegur bodoh bodoh boleh jadi serious macam sekarang. Terima kasih sebab ada dalam hidup aku sekarang. Terima kasih  terima aku dan keluarga. Terima kasih untuk surprise birthday mama. Terima kasih belikan buku yang harga dua ratus lebih. Terima kasih terima maki aku bila mood down. Terima kasih sebab setia tunggu aku. Aku tahu kau nak halalkan hubungan ni seawal boleh. Tapi kau masih faham aku untuk tangguhkan. Minta maaf sebab buat kau tunggu aku. Aku tahu kau dah mampu untuk jadi suami, jadi peneman tapi ada halangan yang aku tau kau sendiri faham. Maafkan aku sebab biar kau sorang sorang dekat sana. Aku tahu kau tanggung kesakitan yang teramat sangat. Aku tahu kau makin penat untuk hadap semua ni. Aku faham badan kau makin lemah. Aku harap kau akan terus lawan. Kau akan terus kuat. Aku sentiasa doakan kau dari sini. Sentiasa.

"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself."

Friends - Where we have been strolling life together
6AS, SMK Anderson - I know I'm a failure. I failed to make us on stage together. I failed to guide us. I failed as a leader. But one things that I will surely won't forget was how we struggle together, how we share foods, how we fought, how we've been hated by the teachers, how we backing up each other, how we planned everything ended cancelling at the last hour. I'll remember all this pieces of us. Goodluck in your next phase of life, peers. May Allah shower His blessing.

BookendsMY - Thank you for making me loving books more and more !

BroSisHood - Its been another year together. I just felt like we'd known each other for ages. I never taught we can become this close. From just ordinary STPM's whats app discussion group we become more like a sibling. We've given our friendship another meaning. Being apart doesn't mean we're forgetting. Long distance friendship sucks. We'll have to make sure one day ALL of us will face each other. Thanks for being such a cool friend. We can share movie, share thoughts on current issues, share benda benda tak senonoh, we can share probs, we can motivate each other. Please don't fall apart. Comes hell or high water may we still be together. BroSisHood, good luck in your life. If anything comes by either problems or else just know that I'm always here to listen to your stories and advicing where needed. I'll always gonna be here :)

"There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved."

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